commit -- indent UI tweaks (was Re: dogfood feedback (LONG))

Subject: commit -- indent UI tweaks (was Re: dogfood feedback (LONG))
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Feb 21 2001 - 23:22:46 CST

Add alt-left and alt-right bindings to decrease/increase indent.

  M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Default.cpp

Make buttons legible.

  M src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_text_indent.xpm
  M src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_text_unindent.xpm

Together with prior changes from Martin, these finish off one of the seven
features mentioned in my original dogfood message from last week. AFAIK,
the other six features all still need attention. (hint, hint)

At 07:24 PM 2/15/01 -0800, I wrote:
>indent/outdent buttons
>1. I've been craving this feature since my LinuxWorld talk a year ago.
>Thanks for finally getting it going, Dom.
>2. The toolbar art probably needs to be rechecked for gray levels. I'm
>getting what look like dithering artifacts which blur these to the point
>that they're almost illegible. Compare to the simpler line art of the
>bullets and numbering buttons. It also might be worth subtly varying the
>color of the indent/outdent arrows, like we did with the sub/sup buttons.

To see these changes, just touch wp/ap/xp/ap_ToolbarIcons.cpp and rebuild
from the abi/src/wp directory.


motto -- mmm, yummy Alpo!

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