Re: Mentoring open source programmers

Subject: Re: Mentoring open source programmers
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 14:58:39 CST

Paul Rohr said:

> Cool! Welcome aboard! As Hub has already pointed out, there's more
> of a need for coding than testing, but anything you can help with will
> be much appreciated.

I expect I'll be able to do some coding too, but initially debugging
will be best for me. I know it needs implementation, but I don't
know the framework, and as I've said before,

"If I have to learn another API, my head will surely explode"

I _do_ intend to learn the AbiWord framework, but it will take a little
while. It's hard for me to focus on all the new things I have to learn.

 But testing with something like spotlight, then backing up to find
where a bug comes from, I can do that fairly easily without having
to understand that well how the whole thing fits together - I just
have to understand why a given bug as a bug.

Doing enough of this and surely I can contribute to the feature set
of AbiWord on the Mac.

BTW - Hubert, I got your mail, and I'll look into the things you say
need doing. I'm fine with either MPW or CodeWarrior builds, but I
prefer CodeWarrior for my day to day work. It would be good if
CodeWarrior builds could be done both with the IDE and mwcc
under MPW, because then you could test CodeWarrior compiler
compatibility under something like tinderbox. I can help with that.

A friend of mine who uses nothing else but Mac OS wants to
collaborate on a design document with me. While I use a Mac too,
I use lots of operating systems (slackware too, BTW) so I never
know what I'll be running when I get a file in the mail. So, not
having been paying attention to things for a while, I suggested we
use AbiWord for our document, and he checked it out and said it
didn't run on the Mac! Oopsy.

I want to fix that.


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