bidi win32 dialogues

Subject: bidi win32 dialogues
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 02:33:13 CST

> No need for a POW. I volunteer to update the dialogs such that BiDi works
> under Win32. Tomas, send me the details please and I will create the
> necessary patch.

Thanks Michael. I have committed some significant changes to the
BiDi interface just now which greatly simplify things. What is
needed is:

(1) add a checkbox to the Paragraph dialogue; the ID for the
checkbox label is 'AP_STRING_ID_DLG_Para_DomDirection'. (on
the unix version I placed it on the right side of the alignment
combo) There is no special logic required, just look for the various
#ifdef BIDI_ENABLED in the XP dialogue to see what functions
need to be added to the win32 dialogue.

(2) add a checkbox to the Preferences dialogue. This one should
go on the 'Other' tab, you may want to add a frame around it with a
label. The ID for the frame label is
'AP_STRING_ID_DLG_Options_Label_BiDiOptions' and the ID for
the label of the checkbox itself is
Again, have a look at the various #ifdef BIDI_ENABLED in the XP
version of the Preferences dialogue.

I hope this is sufficient information; if not please let me know.

Thanks again


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