POW: Template Like System

Subject: POW: Template Like System
From: Dom Lachowicz (cinamod@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 00:05:33 CST


Here's my suggestion for a Project of the Week and it involves no coding
skillz at all. What I basically want is a set of template AbiWord documents
that we could someday use in a template system. What am I looking for?

If anyone has MSWord, you may be familiar with its document templates and
wizards. I'd like to someday add similar functionality to AbiWord. And to do
this, I first need templates.

I'd love if someone would crack open MSWord and copy as many of their
templates as possible and zip/tgz them and send them to the list. Please use
some consistent set of dilimiters to denote where user imput is needed
(suggestions are [] and <> as in [Name] or <Address>) as well as a
consistent naming convention for templates. For example: tmpl_US_Letter.abw,

For extra credit (if you are feeling ambitious), you might even try to
implement a template-based backend. For more info on this, contact me.

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