Re: AbiSaurus v0.05

Subject: Re: AbiSaurus v0.05
From: Jared Davis (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 22:25:03 CDT


I am suddenly deluged with messages about the thesaurus. Thanks to everyone
for the feedback and ideas! There were some questions raised to me directly
and indirectly that I'd like to address and ask myself.

First, I'd like to address the obvious "too many results" and "weird
results" problems that the thesaurus has...

My main focus in the next few days is going to be the integration of the
Guttenberg parts-of-speech information into the thesaurus.

This should help organize the numerous results to some degree. For example,
a search for 'lead' should be organized into
    lead as in the metal (noun),
    lead as in to lead people (verb),
    lead as in the lead role (either an adjective or adverb, i couldn't tell
you ;)
etc. instead of being all grouped into one mess of results.

For the web interface, these might appear as the left column of a table.
For the eventual AbiWord intergrated interface, I'd imagine a setup similar
to the Word thesaurus would be used.

As with everything else, it seems, this is more experimental than anything.
I don't frankly know if adding the parts of speech will provide real value,
or if it will just complicate things. But, we'll see how it goes. If
that's not sufficient, we'll start looking at other sources of data perhaps
(read: worldnet's stuff...)

Next thing is, I've already had a few people suggest that I post this to
kword and open office and mozilla and all sorts of projects. I have
absolutely no intention of doing this until (1) the above issue is resolved
and (2) a reasonable demonstration is already implemented in AbiWord. I'd
like us to be first. =)

Please DO NOT do anything rash like send this to slashdot as someone has
already suggested. My poor little web server cannot possibly handle that
should they do something crazy like post it, and hundreds of counter-strike
players would be very angry at me if such was to happen.

Some questions that I have and concerns that others have brought up that I'd
like to know the answers to:

1. Worldnet's licensing requires that a disclaimer appears on all sorts of
things. Is this compatible with the GPL?

2. I have been "bad" and made my abisaurus graphic without really figuring
out who owns the copyright on that bug logo, "abi", etc. Is this ok or am I
infringing on someone's trademark? I never asked... =)

Thanks for all the feedback, etc.


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