What is useful in a crash report?

Subject: What is useful in a crash report?
From: Randy Kramer (rhkramer@fast.net)
Date: Sun Jul 15 2001 - 21:56:12 CDT

I'd been getting a fair number of crashes as I played with styles,
especially defining new styles, in a recent Linux nightly build. Just
downloaded a new one (July 15), and still getting crashes.

I see a lot of GTK Warning and GTK critical messages on the console
talking about invalid casts and unclassed pointers in cast, etc.

I had started to write almost a step by step list of what I did, but the
crash happens in varying scenarios. What would be useful in a bug
report? I can cut and paste the messages from the console, I can give
you a step by step scenario for one crash, or both, or ??

Randy Kramer

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