galician hash files

Subject: galician hash files
From: Ramón Flores d'as Seixas (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 12:16:36 CDT

        I have made two galician hash files for ispell, a little indian one
( and big indian one ( They can be download from
the following page:

that is part of the ispell-gl project at sourceforge:

If you prefer I can send them to the person who collects hash files. When
unziped, the two files legalician and begalician, become in a file named

Perhaps it is a bit late for the 0.9 release. But it can be included in the next

In order to use the galician dictionary it will be necessary to add this
language to the language list in the language menu. They are different
opinions how the galician must be written. So in the language list should say


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