Bullets (2nd try)

Subject: Bullets (2nd try)
From: Tim LaDuca (tladuca@hsc.usf.edu)
Date: Sun Jul 22 2001 - 15:12:33 CDT

See attached for correct formatting.

In order to make bullet styles the same on Both Windows and Linux somebody needs to apply the following mappings to the the code. I assume the font needs to be the same for all bullets, but if this is not the case I have listed alternate symbols that are closer to what Linux provides in appearance. Unfortunately there is no heart in the Windings font(s). I listed a "pretty" symbol instead.

Wingdings Mappings

Bullet Type Font Code Alternate Code
----------- ---- ---- --------- ----

dashed wingdings none
square wingdings 0x6E
triangle wingdings 3 0x70 wingdings 0xD9
diamond wingdings 0x74
star wingdings 2 0xE0 wingdings 0xAD
implies wingdings 0xF0
tick wingdings 0xFC
box wingdings 0x72
hand wingdings 0x46
heart none -- windings 0x96

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