Commit: cleanup src/af/util/xp

Subject: Commit: cleanup src/af/util/xp
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 10:59:23 CDT

Done: remove all protected instance data (protected methods still ok)
Done: initialize most (all?) instance data in ctor

Done: Added proper exception handling to the tree

Yes, we now *can* throw and catch C++ exceptions. I've added this header file to
the tree about 2 weeks ago but didn't make a fuss about it. Now I am.

Exceptions are good and are your friend, esp. when a constructor fails and we
can't return an error code (like, say, if an iconv_open fails inside of the
auto_iconv class). Read through ut_exception.h and see its example usage in
ut_iconv.[cpp|h]. For now, I only want to use this in constructors that can
fail. Later, maybe we'll expand its usage.

Exception-handling can be disabled if you pass the correct arguments to 'make'
(which in turn pass the proper -D flags to CC)

Your build may break due to these changes. Please tidy things up. If your
compiler doesn't support exception handling, please email the list and let me
know. I'd like to know exactly what I'm dealing with here.


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