2 POWs

Subject: 2 POWs
From: Jesper Skov (jskov@zoftcorp.adsl.dk)
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 02:27:35 CDT

Reposting Dom's (Patrick's) message from last week with s/uPOW/POW/
since these are developer tasks, not user tasks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 26 May 2001 15:43:41 -0400
From: Dom Lachowicz <dominicl@seas.upenn.edu>
To: Pat Lam <plam@lcs.mit.edu>
Subject: 2 POWs

POW 1: Sorting stuff
Now with the new hashtable, the combo boxes (such as the font and style
boxes) are no longer alphabetically ordered. For unix, this means adding
some ordering to abi/src/wp/ap/unix/ap/ap_UnixToolbar_*.cpp

Should be a few lines of code

POW 2: Enable/Disable splash screen preference item
We have a command line argument to disable the splash screen
(--nosplash) but it'd be great if there was a preference item that you
could also set via the preferences dialog

1) Add a new key and default setting in src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Pref*
2) Add set/get methods in src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Pref*
3) Add the checkbox to the platform of your choice's dialog
4) Add code in your platform's ap_*App class to get the preference as a
bool. The logic here should be:

if --nosplash is found on the command line or if the preference value is
false, don't show the splash
else show the splash screen


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