RE: dogfood feedback -- Smart Quotes

Subject: RE: dogfood feedback -- Smart Quotes
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 20:15:20 CST


I've stepped through the debugger to isolate the following problem and it
*is* in your code. The smart quotes are getting removed (on NT) by the
try_UtoNative() call inside your s_AbiWord_1_Listener::_outputData()
implementation. To reproduce this, try linking with the version of libiconv
we ship.

I'm open to suggestions as to what the correct behavior here should be.
According to the current stew of ifdefs in that function, there are (at
least) three different approaches we could choose for non-us-ascii

1. convert them into numeric entities (Jeff's original choice)
2. convert to UTF8 (the fallback he didn't choose)
3. remap some subset of them to native encodings

Note that since #1 is a strict subset of #2, both can get by without
declaring an explicit encoding in the XML header.

Could you explain again why you want to change the encoding at export time
(ie #3)? It feels like a brittle / lossy operation -- in this instance at
least. I can't speak for other platforms or locales, but on Windows for
Latin-1 locales (at minimum), I highly doubt that we want *any* such
remapping at export time.


PS: Bill, I'm pretty sure that this is also the root cause of my problems
with contractions. If not, I'll let you know.

At 01:23 PM 2/22/01 -0800, WJCarpenter wrote:
>paul> 3. Something's goofy on export.
>paul> -------------------------------- Make a new document. Type in
>paul> your favorite contraction with Smart Quotes on. The
>paul> single-quote gets replaced with a curly glyph (in Times New
>paul> Roman). Save and reload the document. Now you get a different
>paul> glyph (still TNR, but straighter). Huh?
>I *can* repro this on win32, with single or double quote marks, but
>I'm pretty sure it's a im/ex problem and not a smart quote problem.
>(The problem still occurs if you turn smart quotes off.) On win32 to
>repro the problem, just save either of Paul's or Vlad's examples into
>"sq.abw", open it, see the glyphs correctly, save as "sq1.abw", open
>that, and see the glyphs incorrectly. (You can also see that they're
>different things in the *.abw files.)

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