[BUG] Image interferes with Spellcheck (Please verify)

Subject: [BUG] Image interferes with Spellcheck (Please verify)
From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 12:11:44 CST

If you insert an image and have text immediately following it, Abi seems
to interpret it as a "word" consisting of the picture as its first

I had the line "This is a text"
then a picture then the text again
"This is a text"

The second time, the word "This" gets underlined in red by the spell
checker, but if i put in a space between the image and the word "This"
it goes away.

Also, the text preceding the image is directly above it, but there is
almost a 2cm gap below the image before the next section of text.

Im using the nightly build for Win32 (todays date 20010405) on windows

Alan Horkan

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