Marginal Notes

Subject: Marginal Notes
From: Kenneth MacDonald (
Date: Thu Mar 08 2001 - 10:44:35 CST

All this talk of headers and footers reminded me of marginal notes.
Quoting from Leslie Lamport's LaTeX book (1st edition)...

"A marginal note is made with the \marginpar command, having the text
as its argument. The note is placed in the margin, its first line
even with the line of the text containing the command. TeX is in
paragraph mode when processing the marginal note."

...and continues...

"The standard document styles put notes in the right margin for
one-sided printing (the default), in the outside margin for two-sided
printing, and in the nearest margin for two column formatting."

I don't know if any flavour of MS Word groks these or not.


ADML Support, EUCS, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

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