Re: Commit: Lots of progress on edittable headers and footers.

Subject: Re: Commit: Lots of progress on edittable headers and footers.
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 09:00:38 CST

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Sevior <> writes:
Martin> Two obvious bugs that I hope Jesper can with are: 1. Press
Martin> <enter> and the text in front of the cursor drops down a line
Martin> but cursor stays on the same line. If you start typing though
Martin> the cursor drops down a line. I think this is bug in the
Martin> cursor positioning code. Can you look at this Jesper?

It looks like this is because the Runs are not assigned proper
lines. fp_Run.cpp:772 is the piece of code causing problems. If I
enter something like this in the footer (enter "test" + return):


the code, when finding the coords for the EOP, will look for a
previous run on the same line and get Y pos from that (to reflect
proper ascent/descent). And it seems that the last EOP has the same
m_pLine as the text run on the previous line.

But I'm not sure. It's a total PITA to debug since the Runs in charge
of the actual layout/rendering are not the runs associated with the
top-level document root - so __dump() does not print out the relevant

And since GDB for some reason totally cores when I try to print the
relevant structures I don't feel like poking more at it. Sorry.


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