Loading documents with large margins [and similar issues]

Subject: Loading documents with large margins [and similar issues]
From: Jesper Skov (jskov@cambridge.redhat.com)
Date: Sun Mar 11 2001 - 03:56:39 CST

Bug #1157 is causing AbiWord grief for the simple reason that one of
the lines has a left margin of 45 inches (no, really! :). This causes
the linebreaker to go bonkers.

I wonder what should be done about things like this. Not just bad
margins, but other document properties that may be out of bounds when
read from a saved document.

Should we just zero out such values at load time?

That raises a problem though: imagine loading a document with a left
margin of 10 inches which is out of bounds for normal potrait layout -
but is acceptable for landscape layout.

Instead, if we zero out bad property values at render time, they will
be retained in the document for cases where the user adjusts paper
size / orientation to make the properties valid again.

While it may be safer, it's a bit yucky. At the very least it might be
surprising for the user if lines suddenly take on new properties
because page size changes (like latent genes in our DNA :)


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