Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing

Subject: Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Mar 12 2001 - 15:08:49 CST

At 01:30 PM 3/12/01 -0500, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
> gives some more insight
>into this RFE (IMHO, this is not a bug, but still something that should be
>fixed). I think that somewhere in the PT we aren't recognizing that the
>properties are the same as the defaults in pp_Property.cpp and thus not
>ignoring them. Just a thought. I guess that I will look into this sometime


Thanks for the pointer. I remembered having the original conversation with
Jeff, but forgot that he did the Right Thing and filed it in Bugzilla, too.
(Shame on me for not checking.)

IIRC, neither of us was sure which of the following places this should be

  1. at export time
  2. at edit time, in the piece table
  3. at edit time, in the view
  4. some mix of 2 and 3

Armed with that bug and this thread, I think you now know everything I ever
knew about this topic. I hope you're right that #2 will suffice for all the
screw cases we'll ever run across. If so, that'd be sweet, and not much
code, either.

Do you want help identifying the desired behavior before tackling the
underlying mechanism? If so, I suspect that some of the usual folks would
be happy to oblige.


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