Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing...

Subject: Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing...
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Mar 13 2001 - 10:38:26 CST

At 03:49 PM 3/13/01 +0000, wrote:
>I think that worrying about redundant properties whilst editing is a loss
>of eficiency.
>Worry about them on save time. It's much cleaner, it avoids "undo"
>problems, and doesn't affect overall speed in any significant way (just the
>speed of saving).
>It will also reduce file size! :)

Please reread the original post more carefully. If you prune *at all*, you
get some subtle differences in editing behaviors. A pruned document *will*
behave differently than an unpruned document.

If you only prune at save time, those so-called undo problems still exist,
but they get triggered by save/load scenarios instead of editing. This
tends to hide the "problem", making it harder to reproduce, and probably
more annoying. My assumption is that if you're going to prune at all, you'd
best do so while editing, when the user has a chance to see and undo those

My original question remains -- which set of behaviors is preferable, the
NOW scenario or the PRUNE scenario?

motto -- the devil is in the details

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