Headers/Footers Page numbers.

Subject: Headers/Footers Page numbers.
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 19:43:28 CST

HI everyone,
            Now that editting Headers/Footers almost works perfectly I'm
thinking more about how dialogs to control them should interact with the
"Insert Page Numbers" dialog. Clearly "Insert Page Numbers" is a convience
dialog for something that could be done directly once a "Insert
Header/Footer" dialog is done.

Here are the issues as I see them.

1. What should "Insert Page Numbers" do if a footer is already present?

1.a It could: Blow Away what ever content was already there and put in a
page number.

1.b It could attempt to merge a page number with the text already present.

1.c It could insert a paragraph with the page number left, centered or
right justified before the text already present.

What Word 2000 does is 1.b. It does not always succeed.

What I will do unless others object:

If there is a page number field already in the footer, I will justify just
the paragraph with the page number present to match the users request.

Otherwise I will insert a paragraph containing just the page number
justified as the user requested at the beggining of the footer, moving the
remaining text down one line.

This is not hard to implement and will do what the user expects I think.

2. Where and what should the header/footer dialog be?

After hearing peoples suggestions this is what I think should happen.

HAve "Insert Header/footer" under "Insert". This just pops up

Insert Header X | Insert Footer X
Apply X | Cancel X

Appropriately enabled of course.

Have "Remove Header/Footer" under "Edit"

This pops up:

Remove Header X | Remove Footer X
Apply X Cancel X

I can put some more decorations around the header/footer when they're
being editted to make it blinding obvious they're being editted.

I could also "grey" header/footer and regular text to distiguish which is
activated at any given time. This would be at the cost of the
following code on every draw..

if(hdrFtrText && pView && pView->isEditHdrFtr() == false)
    drawcolour = drawcolour/2;
else if(regularText && pView && pView->isEditHdrFtr())
    drawcolour = drawcolour/2;




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