Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing

Subject: Re: pruning "redundant" properties while editing
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2001 - 16:21:15 CST

At 04:57 PM 3/15/01 -0500, Pierre Abbat wrote:
>On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Paul Rohr wrote:
>>Even if it were desirable, I see no good way for the UI to also say:
>> - make this selection the default size (step 2a)
>If you click on the combobox, you get a list of numbers. Why not add
>to the numbers? Of course, if you do this to the fonts, someone might have a
>font named "Default", which will be confusing.

It's worse than that. We have this problem for *every* property:

  - the control-B shortcut to toggle bold on and off
  - inter-line spacing on the toolbar
  - left paragraph margin on the ruler
  - and on and on

We need a different answer entirely.


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