[Question/RFE] Automated Testing ?

Subject: [Question/RFE] Automated Testing ?
From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 13:49:21 CST

What sort of Automated testing is in place for Abiword? Specifically the
release builds.
Is there an automated systemmatic way of checking that all files are
valid? (i mailed earlier about corrupt images in the help files)
  There's gotta be a *nix script or something

Is there an automated systemmatic way of checking that all buttons and
menu items within the program work?
  There has to be, i just suspect that it is very expensive, in terms of
money and resources. Again there has to be a way to guaruntee the safety
of programs used in mission critical systems. If it is tedious and
repititive and then it is definately a job for computers.
(I mailed earlier that simply choosing Change Case crashes the Win32

i did some research, checked mozilla, read FAQ
http://www.cigital.com/c.s.t.faq.html, read through this for a while
http://www.testingfaqs.org/tools.htm but they all seemed to be
commercial tools, searched some more and i ended up learning that
microsoft has a version of Basic calles MS Test Basic (which is of
absolutely no relavance).

(Im so going to fail my exams if i dont get some real work done soon)

I really dont think having a bug as a Mascot is good idea :P
Any chance of sourcegear allowing their Artwork to be used on a Stable
Build again sometime soon? I personally think it looks more

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