Spelling on PPC Linux broken?

Subject: Spelling on PPC Linux broken?
From: Henry House (hajhouse@houseag.com)
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 00:05:05 CST

As of version 0.7.13 the spelling checker seems to be broken on PowerPC Linux
(I'm running Debian). Has anyone else using PowerPC hardware noticed this? I
tried compiling AbiWord myself; that did not help. If there is a dictionary
available every word will be marked as misspelled.

I tried to compile pspell support to see if that worked better, but
unfortunately it didn't compile :-(.

I'm also running Abiword 0.7.13 on an Alpha (also Debian), which works fine,
though the installed incorrectly installed a bigendian dictionary hash.

Henry House
OpenPGP key available from http://hajhouse.org/hajhouse.asc

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