could anybody produce stringset for me (run abiword -dumpstrings)?

Subject: could anybody produce stringset for me (run abiword -dumpstrings)?
From: Vlad Harchev (
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 01:21:55 CST


 Could anybody with unix build produce stringset for me and run abiword with
LANG=ru and mail me the output?

 Exact steps to perform:
1) run current abiword as following
        abiword -dumpstrings
  File "en-US.strings" will be created in the current directory - please mail
it to me.

2) run abiword as follows:
        LANG=ru abiword > abiword.log 2>&1
  and after abiword main window appeared, exit it, and mail me abiword.log -
  it will help to find out exactly which strings are not translated..
 Thanks in advance!
 Best regards,

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