Re: Change lists to mailman?

Subject: Re: Change lists to mailman?
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 12:00:56 CDT

At 05:00 PM 5/1/01 +0200, Jesper Skov wrote:
>As (??) pointed out to me in private mail, it would be
>_really_ nice if we could keep the file locations as is so google
>searches will still work properly. That is, if the files get
>moved. Alternatively, I guess, just leave a copy at the existing

Yeah. Depending on how much rearranging happened, one other alternative
could be redirects, I suppose.

The important think is that links to posts in the old archive don't break.
In fact, I'd like to make that a mandatory requirement of any switchover.

The high quality of the existing hypermail archive UI is a *huge* asset of
our current setup that I'd really, really hate to compromise in any way.
Not only does Google have links to past postings, but a decent chunk of
existing posts *in* the archive have explicit references to earlier

Don't get me wrong -- it's clear that mailman/pipermail is easier to
*administer* than our current majordomo/hypermail setup. In fact, not long
after we first set up these archives, Shaw really wanted to switch to
mailman for exactly this reason. However, at the time, pipermail just
wasn't up to the job.

If pipermail integration has now evolved to the point where we can do a
truly invisible upgrade (has it?), then that's really cool news.


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