The State Of The Web Tools

Subject: The State Of The Web Tools
From: Sam TH (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 16:35:06 CDT

Lots o' neat stuff has happened on the web site recently, so I thought
I'd let you all know.

1. New way to query bugzilla. gets bug # 1234. gets the bugs you get
when you click "my bugs".

2. New nightly builds.
Although the windows build is about a month old, we now have nightlies
of the GTK build on Linux/i386, Linux/ppc, and FreeBSD/i386. Anyone
else who wants to contribute nightly builds should email me. The
diffs should be fixed soon.You can check them out at

3. Tinderbox.
Is green. In fact, I have readded the BeOS/i386 box, since it is
green too. Miracle of miracles. There seems to be something weird
preventing the QNX box from showing up. Keep it green. :-)

Anyone who's interested in contributing a new tinderbox host should
let me know as well.

Anyone who has neat ideas for more web tools, or more stuff I could
generate nightly, please let me know.

sam th --- ---
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