Re: Time to step up and talk...

Subject: Re: Time to step up and talk...
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 16:57:54 CDT


Thanks. I'd be surprised if you got any argument (or backtalk) from any of
us. It's quite clear that the amount of frustration that's been leaking out
lately is motivated by the common desire we all have to see AbiWord 1.0

A few specific comments:

At 05:25 PM 5/1/01 -0400, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
>Abi 1.0 should also be reasonably featureful. We should have a well-defined
>feature-set and implement it well. No gotcha's, no real bugs. We want to go
>for the element of least surprise here. This feature set is *NOT* what's on
>the website's feature matrix, though many of the matrix's points are quite
>valid and deserve to be on our 1.0 list.

When you say feature matrix, are you referring to this document?

It's woefully out-of-date, but everything on this list is, AFAIK, at least
partially implemented. If we don't plan to finish any of those features, we
should consider taking them off the feature list and perhaps even remove
them from the UI. When we ship 1.0, the final version of this document
should be all green.

Or are you talking about the roadmap?

If so, then I agree completely. I don't believe that document *ever*
reflected a team consensus -- which is what we so badly need.

>So this is the time to speak up with what we expect that 1.0 feature-list to
>be. Martin posted a list to the mailing-list of some things that Sam,
>Jesper, myself, Joaquin and he had brainstormed at GUADEC last month. This
>feature-list should be considered extremely relevant. We're smart guys, and
>happen to be the ones out in front leading this project both vocally and by

Yes, I'm surprised that more people haven't chimed in on that thread.

>So I'd like to split this thread off into another series of threads in which
>we'll calmly and intelligently discuss what we expect to see in a 1.0, and
>other such limiting factors that we forsee (such as time/interest).

That's an excellent idea. Please go ahead and spawn as many threads as it

Thanks again,

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