
Subject: Ted.
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 07:40:06 CDT

Hi everyone,
           I just tired Ted by throwing a quite complex table at it. It
did a very good job of importing it. It got the pagination right when it
was extended over a number of pages. It feels fast and responsive. It does
reflow quickly. However while you can add rows and columns you can't
delete them.

I think we should have a close look at its source code. Ted is a nice
little app but doesn't have many of the advanced features that make abi so
cool. No multiple views/undo/redo or even toolbars.

It has our bug 119 though :-) I think it might be useful mine for working
code. It has far fewer bugs than kword.

I love stealing GPL code :-)



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