Re: Commit: autoconf and new import/export framework

Subject: Re: Commit: autoconf and new import/export framework
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 11:47:53 CDT

>Ok, here's how it looks to me.
>ie_imp.cpp, ie_exp.cpp, ie_[imp,exp]_Graphic* should all go in
>However, this can't happen immediately, since ie_[imp,exp].cpp both
>include all the header files for all their importers. Didn't you have
>a way to declare these dynamically, Dom? I thought you had checked
>that in.

Yes, you can declare them dynamically now. The only problem is "declare them
dynamically from where?"

To register an importer (just as an example) you need to first implement an
extremely simple and generic "Sniffer" subclass, which is responsible for
methods like "recognizeContents", "getDlgLabels", "recognizeSuffix" and most
importantly, the Sniffer can create an instance of a managed
importer/exporter class.

You what you have to do is call this following line from somewhere:

#include "myfiletype_importer.h"
IE_Imp::registerImporter (new MyFileTypeSniffer());

And that's all. Now the bigger question is where whe should register these
from. Dynamically via plugins is a good choice, but I'm sure that there are
other alternatives that I just can't think of now. That's the reason for the
init() methods now.

FYI, I'm planning on putting into XAP shortly, with my new imaging design.
IE_Imp/IE_Exp need a bit of refactoring before they can go XAP though.


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