Re: coding standards vs. HP-UX (was Re: [ BOUNCE

Subject: Re: coding standards vs. HP-UX (was Re: [ BOUNCE
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 12:47:33 CDT

>Well, I think these patches do need to be reviewed and integrated, so
>that we can work on HP-UX. But I don't think they do anything like
>make our code cleaner.

Kevin used G++ IIRC. Boc didn't.

>I'm curious, though. Kevin Vajk did lots of work on HP-UX, even
>creating makefile rules to create the native packages. So why didn't
>he run into these problems?

A lot of boc's code (which is quite good, btw, but i need to hand-merge ;-(
) involves us working on multi-depth visuals/monitors. For us to do this, we
need to push the gdk_rgb_visual|colormap before we create a new
gtk_drawing_area (exactly like a gnome-canvas)


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