Carbon Developer

Subject: Carbon Developer
From: Todd Lipcon (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 21:07:20 CDT

Hello everyone,
   I saw a post on that you were looking for experienced
Carbon developers. I've used AbiWord on LinuxPPC and found it to be a
pretty decent word processor. I'd like to help bring it to OSX.
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time at the moment so I might just be
a "skulker" for a month or two until I finish up one of my other projects.
If any less experienced Carbon developer needs any help I can likely
provide it- just don't have time to develop on my own.

-Todd Lipcon
Squirrel Software


"It's not that easy being green; Having to spend each day the color of the leaves. When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold... or something much more colorful like that." -Kermit the Frog

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