Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0

Subject: Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0
From: Ron Ross (
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 13:35:59 CDT

Leonard Rosenthol <> writes:

> A larger
> issue that you need to decide BEFORE anything else is how much (if any)
> support you are going to provide for cross cell and/or cross table
> selection (ie. can the user select part of one cell and part of another,
> or select some text outside a table and some inside).

Just to add a wp user's view to this, I don't think there's much urgency
in providing this kind of functionality. Neither WordPerfect 8 nor Word
97 provide it. In both applications, when a selection extends from the
contents of one cell to that of another, both cells are automatically
and completely selected; it is impossible to select only a part of the
text in one cell with part of the content of an adjacent one. One does
of course expect to be able to select multiple cells within a table, as
long as they are contiguous, horizontally or vertically.

As for a selection that would extend out of the table (I don't think a
user would do this very often), both apps support this to some extent,
but each with different types of constraints. Selecting text in the last
cell of the table with text outside of it: in Word, the entire last row
must come with it, and a copy and paste elsewhere reproduces a mini
table consisting of that row followed by whatever text was selected and
copied from outside the table; WP gives a little bit more control, as
one can select text from the last cell of the table together with text
outside, and then paste it elsewhere without reproducing a table cell;
if one selects multiple cells, in WP, a call to copy that selection pops
up small dialog box asking the user whether they want to copy the
selection, the row, or the column.



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