The rest of the irregularities in strings

Subject: The rest of the irregularities in strings
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 17:18:05 CDT

This is from before the latest commits.

Regards: Spanish has MISSING.

Love: Ditto.

Best wishes: Ditto.

To Whom it may Concern: German has Liebe Vater und Mutter.

Dear Mom and Dad: German has Sehr veehrte Damen und Herren.

Invalid pathname: Swedish says "sökväg" which sounds like it means a sequence
of places to look for something (PATH, MANPATH, etc.) rather than

Match case: Welsh just says "Cyfateb".

Print to file: Welsh says "Argraffu yn Enw", which sounds like the translator
was confusing it with "Save as name".

MSG_AfterRestartNew: This has several translations but is missing from en_US.

ATTN: Spanish has MISSING.


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