AbiWord install note

Subject: AbiWord install note
From: Thomas A Webb (tawebb@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 10:36:11 CDT

In installing AbiWord on a Slackware 7.1 machine, I encountered the

There needs to be a symbolic link in /usr/local/AbiSuite/dictionary;
american.hash -> /usr/lib/ispell/american.hash

And, I noticed a wierdness in printed output (apsfilter to a Laserjet):
depending on the number of characters on the line, I get a "crunched"
character. Altering the line by inserting/deleting a character fixes it.
The crunched character appears only on the printed output, which
suggests this might be an issue with apsfilter and the printer, but it
works ok on other applications. ?????

Fine product.. I plan to use it on our recycled machines with Slam-dunk


Thomas Webb Come visit at http://wordwonder.com

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