Re: Edit Menu

Subject: Re: Edit Menu
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 14:44:10 CDT

Hi Sam,

> > But if i change this, i break file compatibility with 0.7.14
> Is there some good reason to change the format like this? Is it
> faster to use attributes? That much faster?

I wasn't really advocating that we change this. I just think that it's a cleaner
approach, that's all.

Right now, ignoredwords handling is done in IE_Imp_XML which is just a *really
really really* bad idea. The correct solution is to either do:

<iw value=""/> or override the charData method (that's why we have virtual
methods after all).

As it stands, handling iw's at the XML importer level is bad. HTML, WML, DBK,
FO, etc... don't need it, nor should they have to. The ignored words part is
very abiword specific. The XML importer is supposed to be super-generic:

1) start element
2) end element
3) handle chars between elements
4) the stray helper functions potentially common to all xml importers

#3 should only care that we're inside of a text block. Anything else should be
accomplished through subclassing/overriding or just plain better design. This
has nothing to do with speed at all.


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