backwards fonts?

Subject: backwards fonts?
From: Simmon Keith (
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 00:24:40 CDT

Hello. I'm looking into the possibility of altering AbiWord for my own needs,
rather than coding a lot of things from scratch. I was going to develop a
simple cross-platform word processor, for Linux, Windows, and Mac. (I hear
there's a MacOS port of AbiWord in the works?)

Since AbiWord already falls under that category, I might be able to save
myself some effort. However, I'm not sure if I'll be *able* to modify it to
do my bidding. Since I know very little about GTK, VC++, or Carbon, here's
what I need to know:

  Will I be able to reverse the characters in a font (and possibly rotate
  the characters)?

-- Simmon

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