Re: SVG import

Subject: Re: SVG import
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 16:59:42 CDT

According to Dom Lachowicz <>:
> If we're not going to use the STL, I have a request that everything in
> src/af/util/* gets placed into its own shippable and maintainable library
> *outside* of and not dependant upon the abi/ tree. Appligent has had requests
> from other people for this source code, so we want to make them happy too.
> Besides, the stuff in src/af/util/ is DAMN useful code to lots of people and
> should be its own library in every sense of the word. It will need to be that
> anyway if we ever do an AbiCalc or AbiPresenter or whatever.

But this code is GPL, hence it will cause trouble to be used within a LGPL
library :-)


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