Re: patch -- win build embeds a perl interpreter

Subject: Re: patch -- win build embeds a perl interpreter
From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 04:14:01 CDT

Michael wrote:
> On 6 Sep 2001, [ISO-8859-1] Joaquín Cuenca Abela wrote:
> > of course, only if it's build with ABI_OPT_PERL=1.
> >
> >
> > P.S.: I've done some little changes to ut_PerlBindings in linux and I've
> > not rechecked that it still builds in windows, so maybe windows perl
> > build will be a bit broken... :) I don't think so, and anyway now it
> > should be easy to fix if it's broken.
> >
> > --
> Joaquin -
> Okay - I am working from the stuff in CVS. I have ActiveState Perl Build
> 623 v5.6.0. It has been included in my path.
> I checked out and built with ABI_OPT_DEBUG=1 ABI_OP_PERL=1 and ran into my
> first problem. Unable to include EXTERN.h. So I added to my include path
> the perl/lib/CORE directory. Just for fun I added the it to my lib
> path.
> It complained "No libary found for '-lperl' and then had a bunch of
> unresolved externals for ut_PerlBindings.obj. What do I need to do to get
> this working for Win32?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that you're still using cygwin perl.
In your bash window, type:

perl -v

if you get something as:

This is perl, v5.6.1 built for cygwin-multi
[plus copyright stuff]

Then you're using the wrong perl. Usually cygwin perl.exe is just a link to
perl5.6.0.exe (or whatever version you're using), so you can safely remove
the cygwin link (I guess that it should be at /bin/perl.exe or
/usr/bin/perl.exe in my system).

That way when you will type "perl", bash will resume the search through the
PATH variable, and it will ultimately find ActiveState perl.

To check it, "perl -v" should give you something as:

This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
[plus copyright stuff]

Is it the problem?


Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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