a pilcrow question

Subject: a pilcrow question
From: Tomas Frydrych (tomas@frydrych.uklinux.net)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 12:41:18 CDT

I spent some time today playing with the pilcrow, getting it behave
in a more sensible manner as the previous behaviour was not good
enough for right-to-left paragraphs. I would appreciate some
opinions on the following issue:

When showPara is turned on, do we want the pilcrow to be
considered a part of the line, i.e, if a line is right justified, do we
want the last line of a praragraph to be aligned on the pilcrow, or,
do we want it to be aligned on the last character before the
pilcrow? At the moment the former is the case; I would prefer the
latter (which is what MS Word does). If there are no objections I
will change this, this requires very little work.


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