Commit: UT_Timer now subclasses UT_Worker

Subject: Commit: UT_Timer now subclasses UT_Worker
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 12:27:26 CDT

UT_Timer now is a descendant of UT_Worker. I've made all of the necessary
changes in Unix and XP land. You might need to make 1 or 2 changes in
platform-specific code (probably Lists dialog and WordCount dialog) to get this
to work for you. I'll start working on a UT_Idle implementation too ASAP.

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: src/af/util/unix/ut_unixTimer.cpp
CVS: src/af/util/unix/ut_unixTimer.h src/af/util/xp/ut_timer.cpp
CVS: src/af/util/xp/ut_timer.h src/af/util/xp/ut_worker.cpp
CVS: src/af/util/xp/ut_worker.h src/af/xap/xp/xap_Frame.cpp
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.cpp
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.h src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.h
CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Lists.cpp
CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Lists.h
CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_WordCount.cpp
CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_WordCount.h
CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_StatusBar.cpp src/wp/ap/xp/ap_TopRuler.cpp
CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_TopRuler.h
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Tue Sep 18 2001 - 12:27:30 CDT