Re: commit - Bug Fix#1662

Subject: Re: commit - Bug Fix#1662
From: Alan (
Date: Wed Sep 19 2001 - 11:17:27 CDT

"Michael D. Pritchett" wrote:
> Thanks goes to Alan Horkan for this one-line bug fix and pestering me to
> commit it.
> Modified Files:
> src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_Replace.cpp

Sorry for the pestering
It was a really annoying bug, but in terms of coding it was a very minor
incorrect assumption. I will be very glad to have this fix.

Im also glad that it worked without any problems and that the diff was
correctly formed, im finally getting this right.

I have a few other things i want to fix
how do i change the file COPYING in cvs to COPYING.TXT ? do i just use
cvs add, and remove?
i would also have to tweak the Installer to make sure it was still able
to find the file.
This makes a big difference and saves windows users a load of hassle.

I want to remove the sample file
from the installer (and if possible include some templates instead).

Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering? 
Yes, but why does the chicken cross the road, huh, if not for love?
Sigh. I do not know.

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