Thesaurus Plugin Status

Subject: Thesaurus Plugin Status
From: Jared Davis (
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 22:17:19 CDT

Hey all,

Many thanks to Joaquin for helping me over the past couple of weeks on
dealing with the dynamic addition of the thesuarus to the menu. The
thesaurus now gets added to the tools menu as desired.

I have tested the plugin successfully with the Gnome build from a fresh CVS
update. I believe it will work on GTK+ as well but am unable to get the
straight GTK version to link for some reason. (libwv is complaining about
undefined reference to 'uncompress' in function 'decompress'... but I don't
really know/care what that's all about.)

Many things need to be done before the thesaurus can really be released,
however. One major issue is autoconf/autogen support. I am not familiar
with how to use these really so the build process for the thesaurus is,
shall we say, less than ideal. If someone could help me with this, I think
that the thesaurus plugin could be ready by the 0.9.5 release.

One other major issue is that plugins are currently not persistent across
abiword loads. In other words, the user would have to manually "install"
the thesaurus plugin each time they wanted to use it. Ideally the plugin
should remain active until they disable it, and be loaded at program load.
(The thesaurus is very lightweight to load, and does not do any
initialization during this time).

The entire plugin is weighing in at about



Love all, serve all.

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