where is it?

Subject: where is it?
From: Dutch (dvanpope@suffolk.lib.ny.us)
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 10:35:32 CDT

When I run AbiWord and click Check Version, I'm told I dont have the
latest. I have 0.9.2. So I go to the abiword page to get the latest...

Why does this page: http://www.abisource.com/downloads/?M=D
say this: LATEST_IS_0.7.14

But this page: http://www.abisource.com/dl_win32.phtml
Says this: The current version of AbiWord (0.9.3)

And the link on the above page only points to 0.9.2? Where is 0.9.3 ???

Ive written to the webmaster serveral times on this and have been ignored.

David van Popering http://www.slackware.com
Running slackware & WindowMaker

"It's not just a computer -- it's your ass."

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