Re: [Bug 1101] - Solaris Built-in iconv IS broken.

From: Andrew Dunbar (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 06:48:22 EDT

  • Next message: Blue Lizard: "system expat not looked for"

    I have no access to compiler, editor, or CVS since I'm
    travelling overseas but here is *exactly* what to
    change to fix
    Can somebody please do this before 1.0 for me?
    I apologize for not being able to fix it directly.

    In the file:
    abi/src/af/util/xp/ut_Encoding.cpp starting at line#

    Add a 3rd entry to each of these lines with "8859-n"
    where "n" is the number of the encoding used by the
    other entries in the same line which have the prefix.

    For instance:
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_1[] =

    static XML_Char * enc_8859_1[] =

    static XML_Char * enc_8859_2[] =
    //static XML_Char * enc_8859_3[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_4[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_5[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_6[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_7[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_8[] =
    static XML_Char * enc_8859_9[] =
    //static XML_Char * enc_8859_10[] =

    //static XML_Char * enc_8859_15[] =

    Note that Solaris doesn't seem to support encodings
    13, 14 & 16 but it would not hurt to "fix" those too.

    Andrew Dunbar.


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