commit: AbiCommand works now.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 20:53:46 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "Need the webpage updated."

    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: AbiCommand.cpp AbiCommand.h
    AbiCommand works and is useful now.

    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixFrame.cpp
    CVS: src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixNullGraphics.cpp
    CVS: src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixNullGraphics.h
    CVS: src/text/ptbl/xp/pt_PT_Styles.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_exp_RTF.cpp
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Additional work for AbiCommand.

    Currently implemented commands are...
    help - prints this message
    load <filename> - load <filename> replacing the current document.
    printfile <filename1> <filename2>... - print the current document into
    the filenames listed.
    replaceall <find> <target> - replace every occurance of <find> with
    <target> in the current document.
    replacenext <find> <target> - replace the next occurance of <find> with
    <target> in the current document.
    inserttext <target> - Insert <target> at the current point in the
    delete <args> - Delete <args> characters at the current point in the
    replacenext <find> <target> - replace the next occurance of <find> with
    <target> in the current document.
    ovept <arg> - Move the current point to another location in the current
    options for arg are: BOD,EOD,BOP,EOP,BOS,EOS,BOL,EOL,BOW,+num,-num,num
    selectstart - Start a selection at the current point
    selectclear - Clear the current selection.
    findnext <target> - Find the next occurance of target and select it.
    save <filename> - Save the current document.
    If filename is omitted the file is saved to it's original name
    Otherwise the extension of the filename is used to determine the format of
    the file

    We can use AbiCommand to easily make automated regression tests. Either by
    writing a program to

    fs = popen("AbiWord --plugin AbiCommand")

    Then writing text to fs, or via another simple extension to AbiCommand,

    execute <script>

    If you look through the source code of AbiCommand you'll see it is
    extremely easy to add new commands. Please feel to add to them. Please
    match every new command with an additional line to the help message.

    Over the next week I will add additional features to abicommand including
    using Dom's cool AbiWidget to popup a preview of the current document.

    With luck I'll also get to implement a AbiWord as a Bonobo control (if I
    can get AbiWidget to work).



    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Apr 08 2002 - 01:54:08 EDT