fv_View build error with msvc7

From: Kenneth J.Davis (jeremyd@computer.org)
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 18:31:24 EDT

  • Next message: Michael D. Pritchett: "commit - Bugfix #2899"


    I don't think I will have a chance to look at this for a few
    more days, so I am forwarding the relevant portion of the email
    I received. I would appreciate if someone familiar with the
    related code could look at this and commit an adjustment if possible.
    Thank you.

    Jeremy Davis

    "Andrew Venier" <avenier@venier.net> wrote on 4/8/2002 12:56:39 AM:
    >Second rough spot:
    >fv_View.cpp(8969) : error C2475: 'fl_BlockLayout::s_EnumTabStops' :
    >forming a pointer-to-member requires explicit use of
    > the address-of operator ('&') and a qualified name
    >The line in question reads:
    > pInfo->m_pfnEnumTabStops = pBlock->s_EnumTabStops;
    >I found that changing it to the following allows the build to proceed
    >(but don't know if it is correct):
    > pInfo->m_pfnEnumTabStops =

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