Major abiwidget improvements pending.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 00:11:39 EDT

  • Next message: Patrick Lam: "commit: 2433"

    Hi Folks,
            I've made some major improvements to Dom's abiwidget. It can now
    be inserted into any gtk container class. See the attached screen shot.

    You can edit directly inside it or you can turn off editiing
    altogether. Right now the menu, toolbars and status bar are permanantly
    disabled but it is not much code to put them back in and make them

    I did this by replacing the gtk_window/gnomeA-pp with my own
    custom widget, subclassed from GtkBin. It is really easy to use and once
    completed should enable a bonobo-control to be built pretty easily.

    Here is some example code of the code used to produce the screen
    shot shown.

            GtkWidget * m_wAbiWidget = abi_widget_new_with_file(filename);
            gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (m_wControlFrame), m_wAbiWidget);
                (gboolean) TRUE,NULL);
                (gchar *) "viewPara",NULL);
            // abi_widget_turnon_cursor(ABI_WIDGET(m_wAbiWidget));

    By using the gtk argument system to control abiword we can setup a bonobo
    property bag to control a remotely running abiword.

    Bugs: It segfaults on destruction :-( It segfaults on things to do with
    the status bar. The latter is a straightforward fix I think. The former
    may be really hard.

    I'll hold off committing this until 1.0 is out unless
    I'm overwhelmed by public demand :-)



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