Localized Date/Time?

From: Ismo J. Makinen (ism@sci.fi)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 14:31:03 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "commit: abi: docs update"

    Is it possible to use my locale's date/time format?
    All the Insert/Date and TIme and Insert/Field: Date and Time
    options are in English although my locale is FInnish (fi-FI).

    The problem is that the date separator should be . (point),
    not / (slash).

    In Insert/Date and Time the first and second options are
    (using today's date)
    Monday, April 15, 2002

    They should be (in Finnish)
    Maanantai, 15. huhtikuuta 2002

    As you can see, the default date separator should be . and the default
    order should be dd.mm.yyyy

    Is there any way to use Finnish month and day names?
    The funny thing is when I choose Insert Field/Date and Time/Time Zone
    I get "Suomen kesäaika", which is correct (Finnish summer time)

    Is this some kind of configuration problem or can't we localize
    I am using Win95B and Control Panel/Regional settings are correct
    (FInnish; date separator is '.', default date format is dd.mm.yyy).

    Another reason why I ask this is:
    In fi-FI.strings file there are FIELD_DateTime.. strings.

    As a FInnish locale translator I should translate them
    into Finnish. I could do that, but it would be misleading
    because I allways get the english version format.
    IE. FIELD_DateTime_Wkday="The Weekday" should be
    (I can't get 100% - correct - translation ;)

    When I try that command I get "Monday". I should get "Maanantai".
    I could define FIELD_DateTime_DDMMYY="dd/mm/yy" as
    FIELD_DateTime_DDMMYY="dd.mm.yy" but I still get 15/04/02, not
    15.04.02 and so on.

    I hope this should just work. It seems rather stupid that
    you have Insert/Date and time dialogue but you can't insert
    your language's correct date formats (time format separator : is OK,
    the same in FInnish). I hope I am missing something obvious here.

    Sorry if I sound a little frustrated.

    Ismo Mäkinen

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