A FAQ with an answer!

From: Blue Lizard (webmaster@dofty.zzn.com)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 16:27:11 EDT

  • Next message: j.m.maurer: "commit: WP importert work"

    I have heard countless times people unable to build abiword for lack of
    Xi library (ld cant evaluate -lXi). This is a huge problem for mandrake
    users apparently. Now, regarding mandrake, the situation is a little
    worse since noone seems to want to maintain abiword and it is allegedly
    buggy enough to be moved to contribs. Whatever, but that means without
    regular updates people will be wanting to build on their own.

    This does not just apply to mandrake, but a contact at mandrakesoft (a
    great guy with whom I have worked with before) sends words of wisdom:

    "they needed XFree86-devel for /usr/X11R6/lib/libXi.so".

    This seems worthy of a FAQ to me. Opinions?


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