Re: asserts

From: Patrick Lam (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 03:09:56 EDT

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    On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 07:55:15AM +0200, Mike Nordell wrote:
    > Patrick Lam wrote:
    > > Something like UT_ASSERT(pNext != NULL); would be a useful assert, as
    > opposed
    > > to UT_ASSERT(b == true || b == false);
    > For any other project I'd agree. Actually, I'd probably enforce that's the
    > only places to use it. However, for AW I've had to modify that standpoint
    > since I both found the artifical bool we earlier used to be uninitialized,
    > and I'd like to see the real C++ bool I've now managed to get into the code
    > to also be enforced to be initialized, and this is disregarding a memory
    > checker like Valgrind, BoundsChecker, Purify or whatever it might be. If
    > it's possible for us to catch it in code I'd prefer it rather than to
    > _depend_ upon some third-party library, especially since we _can_ check it
    > ourselves. The earlier an error is found the easier it's corrected.

    C++ sucks this way. I much prefer Java disallowing uninitialized variables.
    It's not rocket science.

    In any case, we don't check asserts in non-debug builds. So I don't think
    that this wins us too much over running in Valgrind or whatever as necessary.
    We can't check it ourselves exhaustively (and that would make the code suck)
    anyway. I mean, if you remember to assert, then you've probably already
    remembered to initialize.

    > What about starting with checking parameters (like preconditions) and return
    > values (like post condition)? That should add no cruft interfering with the
    > understanding of the real code (even that I think you are wrong in opposing
    > checkning stuff inside a function).

    I'm all for checking preconditions and postconditions. They are helpful,
    but not a panacea. Actually -- I'd much rather have documentation about
    preconditions and postconditions as a first step (not that asserts are bad).
    A lot of our functions don't have a documented interface, and that sucks.

    I don't oppose checking things inside a function, but the things should be
    well-thought-out as opposed to UT_ASSERT(true||false).


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