Re: Abiword executable name

From: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 06:00:51 EDT

  • Next message: Håvard Wigtil: "Re: Abiword executable name"

    On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 09:08, Håvard Wigtil wrote:
    > I'm trying clean up the mime types for Abiword in Gnome.

    That would be text/abiword IIRC.

    > One problem is that there is some confusion on what the executable name
    > should be. IIRC, in older releases there used to be in /usr/bin an
    > "AbiWord" link to the executable, where as recent releases only ship
    > with an "abiword" link. (And the link is not part of the files listed in
    > the RPM, which is IMHO bad.)

    The link is there, just try to do: rpm -q abiword --scripts
    Besides, a user that would be confused with that, probably doesn't even
    know how to do rpm -ivh file.rpm.

    > Alex Larson seemed to remember a statement to the effect that you would
    > always ship a "AbiWord" binary or link.

    I did not ever hear such, if that was the intention, I had no idea.

    > So what's the official policy on this? If the official policy is to only
    > ship "abiword", when was the last release shipped with an "AbiWord"
    > link? And do you remember if previous releases shipped with both
    > "abiword" and "AbiWord"?

    I don't think there's any need for both, and lower case strings is the
    standard (real standard or de facto? I don't know) for unix aplications.

    Hugs, rms

    + No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
    + Whatever you do will be insignificant,
    | but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
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