Re: How to get there from Here.

From: Randy Kramer (
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 10:47:06 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: undo and combining characters"

    Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    > I always have lots of trouble trying to select an
    > entier table in Word. I also have trouble trying to
    > select certain rows or columns. I hope we can avoid
    > this.

    I think the means of selecting columns, rows, or an entire table in
    word(97) are fairly easy to use, so I'm wondering if you are trying
    these approaches:

       1. Under the Table menu there are choices like Select Row, Select
    Column, and Select Table. (I don't usually use these, but they seem
    simple enough).

       2. To select a row, put the cursor in the left margin, and when it
    changes to the hollow right and up arrow, click to select a single row
    (or click and drag to select multiple adjacent rows).

    (Note: word97 does not support selecting multiple noncontiguous areas of
    text (or table, rows, columns), but that feature would be useful to me
    at times. Aside: You can do the shift key trick to select a contiguous
    range of rows or columns.)

       3. To select a column, move the cursor down across the top
    (horizontal) line of the column -- when it changes to a solid black down
    arrow, click to select a single column (or click and drag to select
    multiple adjacent columns).

       4. To select an entire table, follow the instructions to select a
    column but start at either the (top) right or left of the table and then
    click and drag across the entire table (after you get the solid down
    arrow). (I have a vague recollection that there is another way to do
    this, like clicking in a particular spot, -- oops wait -- I think that's
    Excel -- if you click in the upper left hand corner in what I'll call
    the "label area" for lack of the right term, you will select the entire
    table. Although this could be nice for AbiWord, I'm not sure of its
    applicability (since a table in a word processor doesn't normally
    display the cell labels) unless maybe we created another "hot spot" near
    (but outside) the upper left corner of a table.
    Randy Kramer

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